Within the LEAN40SG project funded by Erasmus+, CAAR has planned the first Lean Buggy Factory teacher certification course. It is an educational video game in which we simulate a car assembly plant, with four levels, ranging from a very inefficient batch push production, to a 100% automated factory. The game supports training on topics such as lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, production management, industry 4.0 and operations management. The course allows you to learn how to use the tool, which is free, and understand the educational context in which it can be used. The course is also free. 


PRESENTIAL IN CAAR: CEEI NAVE 6. C/ María de Luna 11. (Campus Rio Ebro tram. Bus 43 and 44. Ample Parking)


17:00 Welcome and presentation of the LEAN40SG project

17:10 Gamification

17:30 Lean40sg Platform

        – Teacher’s webapp

        – Student app

18:00 Game round 1

18:30 Approach improvements between rounds

19:00 Game round 2

19:30 Vision of rounds 3 and 4

20:00 Conclusions and closing

You can sign up at this link: https://forms.office.com/e/M3KTZDHQC5

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